Copyright Solicitors: Our Panel Firms

Copyright solicitors play a pivotal role in safeguarding the intellectual property rights of individuals, businesses, and creative entities. As intellectual property law becomes increasingly complex, copyright solicitors serve as experts. They help clients to navigate the intricacies of copyright protection, licensing, and enforcement.

In today’s digital era, the advice and expertise of copyright solicitors is more valuable than ever. They help clients to understand their rights and explore their options, ultimately helping them to reach a resolution that is in their best interests.

Expert Commercial Law has a panel of copyright solicitors on hand to provide legal services for copyright matters. They provide transparent legal advice and assistance in a cost-effective manner.

Copyright protection

A wide range of works can be protected by copyright. These include literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works.

Duration of protection

  • Literary, Dramatic, Musical, and Artistic Works: The life of the author plus 70 years after their death.
  • Sound Recordings: 70 years from the end of the calendar year in which the recording was made or released.
  • Films: 70 years after the death of the last principal director, screenwriter, or composer.
  • Broadcasts: 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the broadcast was made.
  • Typographical Arrangements: 25 years from the end of the calendar year in which the edition was published.


What is the role of a copyright solicitor?

The role of a copyright solicitor encompasses a wide range of responsibilities aimed at protecting and enforcing the intellectual property rights of individuals, businesses, and organisations.

Advising Clients:

Copyright solicitors provide expert advice and guidance to clients on matters related to copyright law. They help clients understand their rights and obligations under copyright law and offer recommendations on how to protect their artistic works effectively.

Copyright Registration:

Solicitors assist clients in registering their creative works with the appropriate copyright office or authority. This process helps establish a public record of ownership and strengthens the legal standing of the copyright holder in case of disputes.

Drafting and Reviewing Contracts:

Copyright solicitors draft, review, and negotiate contracts related to the licensing, assignment, and transfer of copyright ownership. They ensure that the terms of these agreements are clear, comprehensive, and favourable to their clients’ interests.

Enforcement of Copyrights:

In cases of copyright infringement, solicitors represent their clients in enforcing their copyright rights. This may involve negotiating settlements or pursuing litigation in court to stop unauthorised use of copyrighted materials and seek damages or other remedies.

Defending Against Allegations of Infringement:

Conversely, copyright solicitors also defend clients accused of copying the work. They analyse the merits of infringement claims, develop defence strategies, and represent clients in negotiations or legal proceedings to protect their rights and interests.

Alternative Dispute Resolution:

In many cases, copyright disputes can be resolved through alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or arbitration. Copyright solicitors resolve copyright disputes this way to achieve mutually acceptable resolutions while minimising costs and preserving relationships.

Educating Clients:

Solicitors educate clients about copyright law, including their rights, responsibilities, and best practices for protecting and managing their intellectual property assets. This approach helps clients make informed decisions and mitigate potential legal risks.

How to protect against copyright infringement

Protecting against copyright infringement involves several proactive measures aimed at establishing and enforcing your rights as a copyright holder.

Familiarise yourself with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, which governs copyright law and trade marks in the UK. Understand the rights granted to copyright holders, the duration of copyright protection, and the exceptions and limitations to copyright.

Include a copyright notice on your creative works, using the symbol © followed by your name and the year of creation. While not a legal requirement, this can serve as a deterrent and also help establish your rights. This is especially relevant to any copyrighted works to the public, such as computer software.

Copyright protection is automatic in the UK upon the creation of a work. However, registering your copyright with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) provides additional evidence of the copyright owner and can be helpful in legal proceedings.

When sharing or distributing your work, you should use contracts and licensing agreements to clearly define the terms of use. These should include permitted uses, restrictions, and any fees or royalties payable.

If you discover instances of copyright infringement, take appropriate action to enforce your rights. This may include sending cease-and-desist letters, submitting takedown requests to online platforms, or pursuing legal action through the courts.

Stay informed about developments in copyright law, industry practices, and technological advancements that may affect copyright protection and enforcement in the UK. Consider seeking expert legal advice from copyright lawyers or legal advisors as needed.

Our commercial copyright team take the stress out of finding you a solicitor to assist on your copyright matter. Our panel of commercial copyright solicitors have a strong track record of successful outcomes.

How can Expert Commercial Law assist?

All of the commercial copyright solicitors on our panel have the experience and expertise required to take on your case. Each intellectual property solicitor is vetted before being allowed onto our panel, and we only select the best in the business. All of our solicitor firms are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

Our commercial litigation lawyers also help with other commercial claims, such as director disputes and CCJ removal.

Please note we are not a law firm of solicitors; however, we maintain a panel of trusted and regulated legal experts. If you contact us in relation to a copyright law case, we will pass your case on to a panel firm in return for a fee from our panel firms. We will never charge you for passing on your case to a panel firm.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Please note, we are not a firm of solicitors; however, we maintain a panel of trusted and regulated legal experts. If you contact us in relation to a commercial law case, we will pass your case onto a panel firm in return for a fee from our panel firms. We will never charge you for passing on your case to a panel firm. 


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